Aksaray University
Graduate School Of Natural and Applied Sciences
Green Crescent Postgraduate Thesis Research Scholarship Support Program

Green Crescent provides scholarship support to master's, doctorate and medical specialty students who will do thesis studies on alcohol, tobacco-cigarette, drug, gambling and technology addiction in universities, institutes and research and will contribute to Green Crescent's addiction research areas.

Green Crescent aims to contribute to the increase of scientific research and the training of young researchers that can serve as a resource for studies to be carried out at national and international levels in the fight against addictions, develop the addiction literature, and contribute to the creation of policies and action plans. Based on this, the Green Crescent has been supporting thesis studies in the field of addictions with the Graduate Thesis Research Scholarship Support Program since 2014 in order to support qualitative and quantitative research in many fields from health sciences to social sciences, which can create resources at the national and international level in the fight against addiction. The application deadline for the scholarship program, which will provide 4,000 TL scholarship support for Master's students for 12 months and 6,000 TL scholarship support for PhD and Medical Specialization students for 18 months, is March 31, 2025.

Web Site: https://www.yesilay.org.tr/tr/haberler/yesilay-tezini-destekliyor-2025-1